Graduate Opportunities
Graduate students conducting research in the Aubrey Lab earn M.S. and Ph.D. degrees through the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources at The University of Georgia. If you are interested in joining the Aubrey Lab, please familiarize yourself with Warnell’s admission requirements and deadlines and send a single pdf containing: (1) a 1-2 page statement of your research interests and a summary of your professional career goals that explains why you think working in the Aubrey Lab will help you realize these goals; (2) a current CV; (3) unofficial transcripts showing all previous coursework, degrees, and GPA; (4) GRE scores; and (5) contact information of three references to Dr. Doug Aubrey.
Undergraduate Opportunities
There are a number of ways for undergraduate students to become involved
in research in the Aubrey Lab. For example, students can: (1) volunteer to
work on existing projects with other members of the lab; (2) enroll in
course credit for independent research; or (3) apply for student worker
positions (when available).
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